How do I choose a Gemstone?
A gemstone is a mineral that has been formed under the earth’s surface, and then exposed to the elements. Gemstones are often used for jewelry and other decorative purposes, but they can also be used in industrial applications such as cutting tools or abrasives.
The 4 C’s of Gemstones
When you’re shopping for a gemstone, it’s important to know what you’re looking for. The 4 C’s of gemstones–cut, clarity, color and carat weight–are the most important factors that can affect the value of a stone.
The first C is cut. Cut refers to how well-formed and polished a stone is; this affects its appearance as well as its durability over time. The second C stands for clarity: how clear or opaquely colored your gemstone appears under magnification by 10x power magnification loupe/microscope lens. Some people prefer darker shades like amethyst while others prefer lighter ones like citrine; however there are other factors besides color such as transparency which determine whether or not something qualifies as “gem quality”.
Choosing the Right Gemstone
- Hardness. This is a measure of how well a stone can resist scratching and abrasion. The scale goes from 1 to 10, with 10 being the hardest. A diamond is considered to be a 10 on this scale, while jadeite is rated at 6.5-7 and turquoise at 5-6.
- Rarity and Price. Some gems are extremely rare in nature and have only been found in one place on Earth; others are more common but still costly due to their beauty or scarcity (diamonds fall into both categories). Many people also consider price when choosing an engagement ring stone–they want something that looks beautiful but doesn’t break their budget!
Care for Your Gemstone
The first thing to consider when buying a gemstone is its cut. There are two main types of cuts: cabochon and faceted. Cabochons are smooth and flat on the bottom, while faceting allows light to reflect off each side of a gemstone’s surface, giving it sparkle.
The second thing to consider is clarity enhanced or treated gemstones. Clarity enhanced means that the stone has been treated with heat or chemicals in order to improve its appearance by removing blemishes like fractures or cloudy areas within its interior structure (known as “inclusions”). Treated stones may also include color enhancement techniques such as dyeing or irradiation (which uses radiation). While these treatments are common among many types of jewelry stones–including diamonds–they’re less common among colored stones like amethyst, citrine and peridot because they can change their color over time due to exposure from sunlight/UV rays; however there are exceptions depending on where it’s sourced from so make sure you know what type yours comes from before purchasing!
Doublets & Triplets: Doublets & Triplets consist of two different layers fused together under high pressure while retaining their own distinct characteristics throughout history they’ve been used as both decorative pieces but also functional ones too!