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How to calculate Ring Size?


If you don’t have a ring sizer, you can still estimate your ring size at home using some common household items. Here’s a simple method to measure your ring size:

What you’ll need

A strip of paper or a piece of string.
A pen or marker.
A ruler with millimeter measurements.

Follow these steps:

Cut a thin strip of paper or use a piece of string. Make sure it’s about 1/2 inch wide and at least 4 inches long.

Wrap the paper strip or string around the base of the finger you want to measure. The fit should be snug but comfortable, allowing for slight movement without feeling tight. Make sure it can slide over your knuckle.

With the strip or string still wrapped around your finger, use a pen or marker to mark the point where the paper or string overlaps.
Lay the paper strip or string flat and measure the distance from the end to the marked point in millimeters (mm). This measurement is the circumference of your finger.

Once you have the circumference measurement, you can use a ring size conversion chart to find your ring size. Most charts include both US and international sizing systems, so you can find your size in the system you’re most familiar with.

Keep in mind that this method is an approximation, and your actual ring size may be slightly different. For the most accurate measurement, it’s best to visit our store or any professional jewellers who can measure your finger using specialized tools and help you find the perfect fit.

Also, remember that factors such as temperature, humidity, and finger swelling can affect your measurements, so it’s a good idea to measure your finger at different times of the day or on different days to get a more accurate result.

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